Researching for your wellbeing: How can you help?

Wednesday 10 February 08:00- 09:00 (AEDT) 

Chair of the interactive discussion

Prof Ray Fisk

Founder ServCollab

This interactive session will discuss how to build and expand your research projects and collaborations in order to improve human wellbeing. ServCollab collaborators from three countries will describe how to get involved with ServCollab by describing their own experiences and collaboration projects.

Restarting the tourism, hospitality and events industry: looking backwards to move forward.

Wednesday 10 February 13:00- 14:00 (AEDT) | Panel discussion with industry and academic speakers

Chairs of the panel session:

Professor Marianna Sigala

University of South Australia, Australia 

Professor Fevzi Okumus

University of Central Florida, USA

Members of the discussion panel

  • Heather Croall, CEO and Director of Adelaide Fringe
  • Stephen Hood, Senior Vice President of Research, STR
  • Brett Jardine, Managing Director of the Council of Australian Tour Operators (CATO)
  • Melissa Laurie, TripAdvisor, Principal Client Partner, APAC Media 
  • Eoin Loftus, CEO of the Culshaw Group of Companies (including Majestic Hotels) and Chairman of the Tourism Industry Council of South Australia
  • Paul Victory, General Manager of Growth and Innovation at the SeaLink Travel Group
  • Denis Verdier-Magneau, Director of Cultural Development, Center Georges Pompidou
  • Jackey Yu, McKinsey & Company, co-leader of Travel and Tourism practice in Asia

    Discussion questions

    • How do companies restart and hopefully strengthen the tourism industry in the post COVID-era?
    • What are the new market and industry realities and challenges in which companies are required to operate and compete?
    • What is the ‘new’ tourism industry in which our graduates would be seeking employment and career paths? What are the new skills and competencies that the industry is looking?
    • How does the industry address the ‘brain drain’ caused by the COVID-19? What is done or should be done to keep and grow the tourism talent?
    • Is there a ‘next’ business model of tourism-academia engagement? If yes: what is it, how should it be developed and what are its ‘new’ goals?

    This panel brings together leading professionals representing all major tourism related sectors (hospitality, events, travel and transport, tour operators and intermediaries) to discuss the future of our industry. By reflecting on the past, the panel members would provide us with their learnings from the COVID-19 crisis as well as enlighten us about their re-starting strategies. The co-chairs of the panel will also discuss with the panellists about what a ‘new’ industry-academia engagement model might be and how to better integrate industry with academia and vice versa to co-create the next generation of tourism research and human capital. The discussions of the panel will be enlightened and fuelled by the latest industry data provided by McKinsey and STR. The conference participants will also have the opportunity to set their questions to the panel members.

    The discussion panel will help tourism managers, policy makers and educators alike to obtain a better understanding of the new realities, competitive and operating standards of the tourism industry. The panel will also strive to identify and set new ways in which industry and academia can collaborate and co-create ‘better’ value in the tourism field. 

    View speaker bios

    Meet the Editors Panel Discussion: 

    ‘Everything you ever wanted to ask an editor but were too afraid to ask’

    Wednesday 10 February 16:00 - 17:00 (AEDT) 

    Session Description

    This panel session brings together editors of top journals representing a variety of tourism related sectors and disciplines including management, marketing, events, destinations, tourism, hospitality and technology. This session will allow delegates to ask anything they ever wanted to know about journals, editors and publications but were too afraid to ask. Journal editors will discuss research priorities of their respective journals, while the panel chair will raise questions about the implications of COVID-19 on research. Participants will have the opportunity to pose questions to the editors and learn how to become engaged with their journals. 

    Chairs of the panel session:

    Dr Edmund Goh

    Edith Cowan University, Australia

    Lizette Olivier 

    University of Newcastle, Australia

    Chief Editors in the discussion panel:

    • Professor Sara Dolnicar, Annals of Tourism Research
    • Professor Fevzi Okumus, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
    • Associate Professor Judith Mair, International Journal of Event and Festival Management 
    • Professor Wang Youcheng, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management 
    • Professor Marianna Sigala, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 
    • Professor Cihan Cobanoglou, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology 
    • Professor Zheng Xiang, Journal of Information Technology and Tourism 
    • Professor Perry Hobson, Journal of Vacation Marketing Associate 
    • Professor Gabby Walters, Journal of Vacation Marketing 
    • Professor Cathy Hsu, Tourism Management 
    • Professor Dimitrios Buhalis, Tourism Review 
    CAUTHE delegates are invited to send your questions through SurveyMonkey for the panel members PRIOR to the event. The chairs of the discussion panel (Edmund and Lizette) will collate the questions and seek answers from the Editors to moderate the discussion. 

    ACSPRI Applied qualitative interviewing workshop

    Thursday 11 February 11:00 - 12:00 (AEDT) 

    You don’t know what you don’t know. 

    Do you want to obtain a whole different set of data than the ones you’ve previously collected? Come to this workshop and learn to conduct interviews differently. The workshop is facilitated by ACSPRI’s Master Trainer, Associate Professor Catheryn Khoo (Griffith University), who is also the Editor-in-Chief for Tourism Management Perspectives.  For more see ACSPRI.

    Please register in advance for this meeting:

    ACSPRI Applied Qualitative Interviewing Workshop.

    When: Thursday 11 February 2021 11:00 – 12:00 (AEDT) AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
    After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

    Destination Management in the post-COVID era: How can we 'Build back better?'

    Thursday 11 February 13:00 - 14:00 (AEDT) | Panel discussion with industry and academic speakers

    Chair of the discussion panel 

    Dr. Roger Carter

    Managing Director, TEAM, UK. 

    Members of the discussion panel 

    • Professor Susanne Becken, Department of Conservation, New Zealand
    • Royce Chwin, President & CEO, Tourism Vancouver
    • Dr Mario Hardy, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)
    • Brent Hill, Executive Director of Marketing, South Australian Tourism Commission
    • Norbert Kettner, Managing Director, Vienna Tourist Board

    This multi-continental discussion panel will focus on unravelling how the pandemic influences and transforms the medium- to long-term strategies and programs of tourism destinations. The panel will help destination managers, policy makers and educators to obtain a better understanding of the emerging challenges and the competitive ways to grow and manage destinations at a global level but with a local appeal and relevance.

    Conference participants are invited to email their questions for the panel members to Isabella Ye PRIOR to the event. The chair of the discussion panel will collate the questions and seek answers from the panel members to moderate the discussion.

    Global Hotel Industry Outlook, Research Brainstorming and SHARE Center Update

    Friday 12 February 10:30am - 12:00pm (AEDT) | 

    Steve Hood

    STR Share Center

    Session description

    The session will include an overview of the international hotel industry with a focus on recent Asia Pacific performance trends. There will be a quick look at bright spots in the current storm and an opportunity to brainstorm on COVID-related research opportunities. Finally, a brief SHARE Center update including new types of data available for research and new programs including the Certification in Advanced Hospitality and Tourism Analytics (CAHTA), virtual internship support for schools, student competitions and new training courses. Slides with lots of additional data for reference will be available.

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