The conference proceedings will be published as an e-book (with an ISBN) containing the full manuscripts of full and working papers presented during the conference. The conference proceedings will be published and distributed online during and through the conference channels. Authors of full papers are obliged to have their full manuscript published in the conference proceedings. Authors of working papers have the option to opt out (if they wish) from publishing their full manuscript in the conference proceedings. Authors of full and working papers will be required to give their permission (sign a transfer of copyright agreement) to have their full manuscript published in the conference proceedings.
A handbook of abstracts with an ISBN will be published including the abstracts from all the full and working papers presented at the conference. Authors of full and working papers will be required to give their permission (sign a transfer of copyright agreement) to have the abstract of their manuscript published in the handbook of abstracts. The handbook will be promoted online and through the CAUTHE media channels and social media.
A special issue based on selected conference papers will be published by the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management (JHTM) (SSCI impact factor 3.415). Excellent quality conference papers will be selected for submission and potential publication in the special issue. All selected papers will go through a double-blind review process managed by the special issue editors and the editor-in-chief of the journal. Papers submitted to the special issue will need to comply to the submission guidelines and quality standards of the JHTM.