Conference research tracks

The CAUTHE 2022 Scientific Committee welcomes full research papers, working papers and poster presentations on a range of topics (‘tracks’) relating to this year’s theme ‘Shaping the Next Normal in Tourism, Hospitality and Events’. Given the interdisciplinary nature of these fields, coupled with the rapid and accelerated transformation of these sectors, the tracks for the CAUTHE 2022 Conference cut across disciplinary silos and seek to bring together ideas from a variety of fields in order to encourage the ‘next normal’ of thinking. The tracks are as follows:

  • PEOPLE (e.g., tourists, guests, hosts, workers, residents, communities, social sustainability, behaviours, attitudes): how are people impacted by, and how do people impact on, the ‘next normal’?   
  • PLACE (e.g., destinations, attractions, workplaces, core-periphery, mobilities, virtual places): what are the factors influencing the place where tourism and hospitality experiences are delivered in the ‘next normal’?
  • PLANET (e.g., environmental sustainability, triple bottom line): how will the ‘next normal’ impact on the achievement of sustainability goals?
  • PANDEMIC (e.g., effect/impact of COVID, adaptation, resilience): how has the pandemic re-shaped ‘normal’ and what are the opportunities for adapting to the ‘next normal’?
  • PROMOTION (e.g., communicating value, public relations, target markets, ‘open for business’): how will the ‘next normal’ impact on tourism, hospitality and events offerings, marketing messages and communication channels?
  • POLICY & PLANNING (e.g., government, NGOs, modelling, collaboration): how can effective policy and planning responses be developed for the ‘next normal’?

Please carefully consider the Track Descriptions and example topics for inspiration and/or guidance on developing your paper. You will be required to select one track for the submission of your manuscript (although the submission topic may relate to more than one track). 

 CAUTHE 2022 Conference | #cauthe2022